AWRAMBA is a small village located in southern Gonder zone of the Amhara regional state fogera district accessible by road on the wereta weldia road about 78km from Bahirdar.

The AWRAMBA community is all from Amhara community consisting of about 400 residents in 18 hectare of land selling since 1972. Several culture and religious, philosophies of the Amhara community make them isolated from the Amhara ethnic group unlike majority of Amharas, they declared themselves free from any religious demonstrations and do not believe in the creation.

They refer themselves as best escape route from poverty and hunger is not by religious or prayer but education and integrated social ethics and hand works. The founder of the AWRAMBA community Mr. ZUMRA comes up with different concepts of social ethics life style, faith and wisdom. After his persuasive discussion that took few year, some of the community accepted the proposed principle and able to expand their community with unique cultural values.

Some of the guiding principles of the AWRAMBA include.

–          Unlike the old tradition of amahara tribe marriage is after  18 years  and on the free wills of partners

–          A very strict gender discrimination rules.

–          Extended wedding and funeral ceremonies are not practiced

–          Theft, gossip, begging and adultery are all condemned and prohibited.

–          The disable and elderly are entitled to equal sharing from any production of the community.

–          There is nothing personal product in AWRAMBA everybody contributes the labor according to his/her ability in the production and share on the equal terms.

What makes AWRAMBA very unique is they do not have any gender based decision of labor men  often do what mostly considered to be women’s task including cooking, baby siting, spinning while women do plowing, weaving and managing social responsibilities  in the community, and everything is by schedule

In AWRAMBA Community there are no members who wear clothes which come from out of the community or from other market and shops. They wear the beautifully made clothing’s from their traditional factory.